Office Policies & Procedures Make them clear and consistent … & follow them!
Appropriate Appearance How you look & how the office looks matters.
Proper Image What does your office’s “first impression” say?
Trustworthy Staff You don’t have the time to run a successful business AND keep a close eye on employees you can’t trust!
Reputation Build a good one over time, then work to maintain it.
Fairness to All In business, being “FIRM but FAIR” is respected.
Innovations/New Ideas Dare to think differently than the rest and be willing to give it a try … but don’t let your pride blind you to a “brilliant idea” that just isn’t working.
Good Service at Low Cost Is there anyone who doesn’t want this?
Special Promotions In the Cadillac of life you must blow your own horn … no one is going to reach in and blow it for you!
Prompt Responses What’s so hard about returning your calls/emails quickly anyway?
Resolving Problems & Conflict Rule with your business mind but take what’s in your heart into consideration.
Special Requests If it’s decent, Godly, fair to all and beneficial to others, try to say YES to it.